Friday, September 26, 2008


Alexis and Brandon have started karate. Alexis has gone for a few years but took a break to do other activities like cheerleading and basketball. But now she is BACK! She has earned her orange belt and is ready to mooooooooove on up. Brandon seems to really like the class. He earned his white belt yesterday!! He was so happy, and I was so proud. He is in a class that is geared just for little guys, teaches them the basics. It is so cute watching them. Stay tuned for some pictures. I keep forgetting the camera! :(

School is going great for both kids. Alexis is trying to get involved in all sorts of school groups and activities. Her grades (from what she says) are great. Somehow she was placed in a math class with "all the smart kids". I picked her up from school yesterday and she says "guess what, I have the highest grade in math class!". WOO HOO!! I was keeping my fingers crossed that the highest grade was a good one. I recall one time in English class my Junior year in high school where the highest grade was a "D+". So, I was very glad to hear the second highest grade...100%! Alexis did some extra credit to currently hold the top position with a 104%!
Honestly, I think she was switched at birth because she is WAAAAAAY to brilliant to be my kid! He,he,he!!
Brandon is loving kindergarten, thank goodness!! The kids are eating their way through the alphabet. Each child is assigned a letter and on their specified day they have to bring a snack that starts with that letter. Brandon has the letter R. I feel for the parents of the children that were assigned the letters Q and X. EEESH! Brandon will be bringing in his R food on Monday the 29th. Sure, I had thought about bringing in something healthy like raisins but who am I kidding most kids won't eat those. So, I have joined the list of "Pain in the Butt Parents" and will be bringing in Reese Cups. Poor Mrs. Weaver...

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Glad to hear the kids are doing so well in school. We may have to eventually ask Alexis to give Beth some pointers on doing more than "just enough" to get by with a B-. HA!

And you may want to check with the teacher on the Reece's issue before you send it in with Brandon. Our elementary school will not allow ANYTHING with nuts to be brought into the school due to allergies. And hey, raisins aren't all that could be something really tantalizing like "rice cakes!" YUCKO!